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Effective Executive Magazine:
Tomorrow’s Governance and Corporate Leadership: Succession and/or Renewal?†

Corporate governance has been in the spotlight long enough to have a history, but what of its future and tomorrow’s corporate leadership? What roles will succession planning, fast-tracking, and director and board development play in ensuring that directors are competent and boards are effective? Many entrepreneurs would gain from directors of integrity, who demonstrate a passion for growing businesses and who can think for themselves and are able to put the interests of the company before their own. The corporate governance community should reflect upon how their experience might be drawn upon and how their practices might be amended to help this process and better support enterprise and entrepreneurship.


What form will future corporate governance arrangements take and who will be providing corporate leadership? How relevant will contemporary governance models and approaches be? Will there be evolution or a revolution in how directors are selected and developed and how boards are structured and operated? Should we take steps now to fast-track future leaders and prepare tomorrow’s directors? Should we undertake succession planning, or is the future too uncertain? Is a greater diversity of approach and more flexibility required? Should the emphasis be on renewal, enabling directors and others to grow as organizations move from one stage of development to the next, priorities change and new challenges and opportunities arise?

This paper will question the continuing relevance of recent and contemporary models of corporate governance. Its focus will be upon governance arrangements and, in particular, the corporate leadership provided by directors and boards. It will also consider the role that director and board development can play in helping a board and its members to remain current, relevant and vital as situations and circumstances change and cope with issues as and when they occur. It begins by questioning governance practices, such as the adoption of standard models and codes.


Tomorrow’s Governance, Corporate Leadership, Succession and/or Renewal?